Junior / Features
The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood sprang out of her bed at precisely 7:00 a.m. when the sky was still streaked with pale peachy pink and yellow, ran past her breakfast, grabbed a basket with a slice of pecan pie, milk, and one loaf of fennel bread and ran halfway out of the door before her mother [...]
By Ma’at Smith
Junior / Poetry
Class is Never Peaceful
Class is never peaceful,
By Janae Tinley
Junior / Poetry
Nighttime is Near
The light sinks beneath the paved, cement floor,
By Juwaireyah Dorsey
Junior / Poetry
My Sis
My sister Abby is wonderful!
By Skylar Wolcott
Junior / Poetry
I walk through the piled up heaps of ash,
By Noël Freeman
Junior / Poetry
I Stopped Telling Lies on Facebook
I stopped telling lies on Facebook,
By Janae Tinley
Junior / Poetry
Colors, Why?
I am black,
By Helen Dugan
Junior / Poetry
Major League
It was not until 1947
By Henry Wasserman
Junior / Poetry
What Black History Means to Us
So I know what you think —
By Kindal Way, Emma Zubairu and Madison Alexander
Junior / Poetry
Tame the Beast
Tame the beast
By Molly
Junior / Poetry
My Dog
You’re a weird one,
By Alexandra Murray
Junior / Poetry
A Little Temporary Peace
After the sun has made its rounds
By Mira Tensuan-Eli
Junior / Poetry
two pieces fit together
By Mairead Rishko
Junior / Poetry
Caterpillar eats
By Caroline Cook
Junior / Stories
The Misadventures of my Magic Finger
So, I was at home watching television, and I was using my Magic Finger to get some pretzels — lots and lots of pretzels — and then my dad came into the room. Wait for it! Wait for it! HE was a pretzel! I was about to eat him when I locked myself in the [...]
By Jason Kraus
Junior / Artwork
Ancient Civilizations
By Sofia Duran
Junior / Artwork
By Sofia Duran
Junior / Artwork
By Caroline Cook
Junior / Artwork
By Caroline Cook
Junior / Artwork
By Sofia Duran
Junior / Artwork
Where to?
Maura is a 12-year-old from Havertown who keeps busy when it’s not softball season by reading and taking pictures on multiple cameras from her collection.
Junior / Artwork
My Dog
Alexandra Murray is eight years old and in the second grade. She likes to read, write, and draw. She enjoys reading the Warriors series and playing Minecraft with her sister, Scarlett. Her jingle is a spoof on the song, Mr. Grinch, and is paired with her drawing of her family’s dog, Whisky. Alexandra produced these [...]
Junior / Artwork
By Scarlett Murray
Junior / Artwork
Flowers for Mom
By Ryan Storck
Junior / Artwork
Hootie the Owl
By Ryan Storck
Junior / Artwork
Fancy Animal
By Ryan Storck
Junior / Artwork
Heart of Palm
By Maura Riscavage
Junior / Artwork
By Caroline Cook