Maia Cohen, Age 13, Cedarbrook Middle School © 2012
Celia Varady, Age 7, Homeschool Student © 2012
Miles Hyatt-Long, Age 9, Homeschool Student © 2012
George Sloan, Age 10, Wyncote Elementary © 2012
Cover Art Fall/Winter 2012
The cover art is the work of students from Myers Elementary School in Elkins Park, PA. They study with art teacher Kara Hopkins. From left to right: Top image of each column: “Creative Color Wheel ” by Mia W., Michelle L., and Mary Kate H. (Grade 4). Middle image of each column: “Tree Silhouettes” by Zion P., Raina M., and Lisa O. (Grade 4). Bottom image of each column: “Autumn Reflection” by Abie L., Liam G., and Fiona M (Grade 4).
I Was There
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
– Oscar Wilde
Snowflakes danced in the air
lightly drifting towards the frozen ground.
I trudged through the snow
in my cozy pink boots.
This was before I can even remember
when the days came slow and happily
and my little head
had nothing to think about
other than catching
one of the falling white dots on my tongue.
My father stood behind me,
waiting with his arms outstretched
in case I stumbled.
My mother was by the window
sipping on a mug of hot chocolate
and watching me laugh as white flakes
landed on my rosy cheeks.
I stomped and picked up
chunks of cold snow with my mittens,
they crumpled and fell
in lumps onto the ground.
Sometimes I try to remember
what it was like back then
when our family unit
was wound tight and secure.
I try to grasp those days
when my mother was content
and my father satisfied.
Most times my memories
and the stories told to me
are meshed together
into a quilt of recollections
of different times.
But the present
and the past
seem disconnected
in ways
I cannot understand.
People have difficulty
in moving on.
One moment
can live in our
hearts until
the day we die.
One day
can damage our
lives forever.
So this is my story,
it needs to be heard.
Because a moment
is why
I am who I am.
Laura Haskin is in the eighth grade at the Masterman School. She enjoys painting, drawing, writing, and reading (of course).
Damon and Blue
Brandon is an 8 year old, third grader, at Strawbridge School, in the Haddon Township School District.Brandon enjoys baseball, hockey, and car racing.
But it bit me back!
And never again
did I eat it
all because of that
Benjamin Walker is a third grade student at Strawbridge Elementary School in Haddon Township,
NJ. His keen sense of humor is portrayed in his writing and art. Ben loves family, friends, reading and writing. Several authors have influenced him, but Shel Silverstein is a favorite poet. Ben’s funny stories keep his family and friends entertained and bring joy to their lives.
Music is a River
Music is a river,
Ever flowing to my heart.
Music is a river,
Smooth and peaceful,
Lulling me to sleep.
Music is a river,
Burbling and giddy,
Making me smile.
Music is a river,
Running rapid,
Making me giggle.
Music is a river,
Dark and murky,
Making me sad.
Music is a river,
Thick and winding,
Making me wonder.
Immanuel Mykyta-Chomsky is 11 years old and attends The Philadelphia School. He also enjoys playing the piano and listening to operas. Immanuel wrote this poem because, “I love music and music makes me feel a lot of different things.