A World Without Color

What would the world be like without the vivid colors of a summer sunset? What would the world be like without the lush green grass that brushes your ankles on a walk in the rolling meadow? What would the world be like without that big, blue blanket above our head full of puffy, white cotton balls dancing in the wind? What would the world be like?

What would the world be like if everyone was the same? If we could not see our golden blonde, brown or jet black hair? What would the world be like if we could not see our bright blue, green and brown eyes? What would the world be like if people weren’t black, brown, yellow or white skinned? What would the world be like?

What would the world be like without a plump red tomato that you sink your teeth into on a warm summer day? What would the world be like without shiny purple eggplants or bright red strawberries with their green stem and seeds? What would the world be like without the yellow, red, green and orange colors of crisp peppers?

What would the world be like?



Meredith Davies is in fourth grade and is the oldest of three girls. Writing and reading are two of her favorite subjects at school. She also participates in Girl Scouts and loves taking ballet, jazz and tap.